The Individualist Hymn (anarchist song)

la solidaridad es un arma

Original version (italian)


Punk version (spanish) 


Punk version (italian)






Before dying in the mud on the streets 

we would imitate Bresci and Ravachol; 

anyone who extends a hand to you, bourgeoisie, 

is a person unworthy of looking at the sun. 


Grinding machines tear the beggars to pieces 

and their wives are forever pale and weeping, 

The fields remain fallow, the miners buried 

and the workers crushed forever by murder. 


And to those who don't give in, open the tombs, 

prepare the bombs, sharpen the knife, 

action is the ideal! 


France, on the watch with the guillotine, 

chops off the head of anyone who wants to punish her. 

Cowardly Spain strangles with a garrote and murderous 

Italy guns down those who aren't accustomed to trembling. 


Hanged in America, throats cut in Africa, 

forever tortured at Montjuich in Spain, 

but the individualist still knows how to strike 

the sorry breed of gentleman thugs.1 


And to those who don't give in, open the tombs, 

prepare the bombs, sharpen the knife, 

action is the ideal! 


As long as we are a herd it's appropriate that there's 

a social gang passing laws; 

as long as the sun of anarchy doesn't shine, 

we will always see the slaughtering of the populace. 


Be very afraid, coppers, when you hear 

the dynamite exploding against the oppressors. 

We are enemies of all cops and scoundrels, 

And one against all, we will scatter them. 


And to those who don't give in, open the tombs, 

prepare the bombs, sharpen the knife, 

action is the ideal! 





1These lines might also translate as “But the sad race of the gentleman thug,/the individualist still knows how to strike,” but among Italian anarchist the word “signor” (or “signore”) is most often used sarcastically in reference to the ruling class. Taking that into account I chose this translation as what was most likely intended. 






Pria di morir sul fango della via

imiteremo Bresci e Ravachol

Chi stende a te la mano o borghesia

è un uomo indegno di guardare il sol


Le macchine stridenti dilaniano i pezzenti

e pallide e piangenti stan le spose ognor

Restano i campi incolti e i minator sepolti

e gli operai travolti da omicidio ognor


E a chi non soccombe si schiudan le tombe

s'apprestin le bombe s'affili il pugnal

È l'azione l'ideal!


Francia all'erta sulla ghigliottina

tronca il capo a chi punirla vuol

Spagna vil garrotta ed assassina

fucila Italia chi tremar non suol


In America impiccati in Africa sgozzati

in Spagna torturati a Montjuich ognor

Ma la razza trista del signor teppista

l'individualista sa colpir ancor


E a chi non soccombe si schiudan le tombe

s'apprestin le bombe s'affili il pugnal

È l'azione l'ideal!


Finché siam gregge è giusto che vi sia

cricca social per leggi decretar

Finché non splende il sol dell'Anarchia

vedremo sempre il popol trucidar


Sbirri inorridite se la dinamite

voi scrosciare udite contro l'oppressor

Abbiamo contro tutti sbirri e farabutti

e uno contro tutti noi li sperderem


E a chi non soccombe si schiudan le tombe

s'apprestin le bombe s'affili il pugnal

È l'azione l'ideal!






Antes de morir en el fango de la calle

imitaremos a Bresci y Ravachol;

quien te extiende la mano, o burguesía,

es un indigno de mirar el sol.


La máquina estridente machaca y despedaza

y los compañeros agobiados van,

el campo incultivado, el minero sepultado

¡Y el proletariado enajenado está!.


Y a quién no sucumba le espera la tumba,

se alistan las bombas, se afila el puñal.

Es la acción, el ideal...

¡Es la acción insurreccional!


Francia alerta, en la guillotina,

corta las cabezas a quien quiera castigar;

La España vil, agarrota y asesina;

fusila Italia a quien la atacará, atacará...

¡Atacar al capital y sin piedad!


En América colgados, en África degollados,

en España torturados por el honor de Montjuïc;

pero a la triste raza del señor terrorista

el insurreccionalista sabe aún golpear.


Y a quién no sucumba le espera la tumba,

se alistan las bombas, se afila el puñal.

Es la acción, el ideal...

¡Es la acción insurreccional!


Mientras exista la sociedad de clases,

la burguesía nos humillará.

Mientras no brille el sol de la anarquía

nuestra acción será la destrucción...

¡la destrucción, la destrucción!


Desclasado, espantado, si la dinamita

ve explotar un día contra el opresor;

tenemos contra todos: Gendarmes y Policías,

¡Y sus propiedades haremos volar!


Y a quién no sucumba le espera la tumba,

se alistan las bombas, se afila el puñal.

Es la acción, el ideal...

¡Es la acción insurreccional!