What´s going on at the 14th of November? There is a call for a General Strike in several countries and the security services gave a foretaste in the last weeks what they think about it. The radical left in Europe has only one month left to consider something how to operate in this day also in the countries where no general strike takes place.
The European Federation of Trade Unions calls for the 14th of Noveber for a day of solidarity and action http://www.etuc.org/a/10439
The unions in Portugal, Spain and Greece announce now a general strike for this day. There is also a discussion in Italy, France and Belgium about strikes.
At the 15th of September thousands of people protested against the reduction policy of the portuguese government. The police protected the parliament in Lisbon. Stones where thrown and there were arrests.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ3dwDatTAc
On the 29th of September also the protesters in Madrid had enough after they were beaten up for several days at peaceful protests in front of the Congreso . They fought back against the feared intervention units of the Policia Nacional.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXUah6ZNC8
In the middle of October there were studentprotests in various italian cities, like here at 13/10 in Venice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhJ03FN7EXI
At the 12th of October there were clashes in Bilbao between antifascists and the basque police, who protected a nazidemonstration.
On the 18th of October the well known image of Athens. The police protects the parliament from an outraged crowd and the general strike ended one time again with teargas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tXXaRaeUt4
In Europe the people have enough of the politics of the oppressors, the resistance is formating itself regardless about identities. When at the 14th of November striking workers and employees, pensioners,students and autonomous in Lisbon, Madrid and Athens will march in front of the parliaments of their so called democracys, there will be injuries and arrests. We shouldn´t leave the people there alone but show them that also in the countries wich are the winners of the crisis the policy of the EU has enemies. Because of this we want to take the call of the European Federation of Trade Unions literally.
About the role of the unions and the sense of strikes also others have made up some thoughts:
Broader mobilization on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EuropeanStrike
We call out everyone to hand over their anger to the responsibles for all this misery.
Let us go together into action against all european police forces on N14!
Aktion in Berlin
Da auf BRD-Boden noch kein Generalstreik in Sicht ist, findet am Samstag, den 17. November um 14 Uhr auf dem Mehringplatz eine Platzaneignung statt. Unter der Parole "Den Streikbegriff wiederaneignen" soll Solidarität mit den Krisenprotesten dieser Welt gezeigt und gelebt werden.
Aufrufe auf politstreik.blogsport.de
wird richtig groß!
Auch die bürgerliche Presse berichtet von historischen Ausmaßen.
Einen ersteren kleineren Generalstreik gibts in Spanien bereits am 31. Oktober, der maßgeblich von der anarchosyndikalistischen CGT (auf lokaler Ebene auch von einigen weiteren Gewerkschaften und sozialen Bewegungen) getragen wird. Für den 31.10. ruft das Libertäre Netzwerk und die FAU Dresden in ebd. zu einer Solidemo auf. Für den 14.Nov. sind hierzulande bisher nur 2 Soliaktionen (München und Berlin) geplant und diese werden leider in erster Linie von EDJ/Occupy-Leuten getragen.
Soli in Köln!
Aktionstreffen: 14N Solidarität mit dem europäischen Generalstreik
Am 30. Oktober findet in Köln ein offenes Aktionstreffen zur Planung von Solidaritätsaktionen im Rahmen des europäischen Generalstreiks am 14. November (14N) statt. Hoch die antinationale Solidarität!
Gemeinsame Einladung:
Auch Berlin
Auch in Berlin sind Aktionen zum 14. November geplant... Näheres in Kürze!