Arrests of Mayday Turkey

Arrests of Mayday Turkey

On 14th of May 2012, early in the morning at 05 am 45 people have been taken into custody including animal liberators, ecologists, by concurrently operations in Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Muğla, Şarköy and İzmir. The reason was on the 1st of May near 28 banks and multinational capitalist companies’ branches including Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King were damaged by some anarchist activists.

At an unearthly hour, houses were raided and turned upside down; laptops, phones and various magazines and documents were confiscated. They were quickly presented to the “anti terror” police teams at the Vatan Police Department in Istanbul. For four days they were questioned here, commited for trial and arrested. 20 people out of 45 were released from the police department, while 25 were sent to the prosecutor. 15 out of these 25 were sent to the court with the demand of arrest; 6 were released pending trial while 9 were arrested and sent to Metris T Type Prison in Istanbul.
In the second wave of police operations in the morning of 28th of May, seven people in total were taken to custody by the police and borught to
 Vatan Police Department from Istanbul, Eskişehir, Ankara and Bursa. After four days of interrogation in custody first they were sent to the prosecutor and then to the court. While two were released, five people were sent to Metris T Type Prison. The total number of people in prison has risen from 9 to 14.

The police and the prosecutors went beyond questioning the case in 1st of May and running for declaring the anarchists as “terrorists”. This is why some people were tried to be loosened in the interrogation rooms and the resistance of the people were tried to be broken by cross-examinations. In this process, three people were fooled by the lawyers who work for the police and were sent from the Bar; they were tricked and accepted being informants and they caused some people to be arrested.

The police tried to do whatever possible to link the attacks with some anarchist, animal liberator or ecologist organisations and they tried to criminalise these organisations by asking biassed questions.

The contents and the extent of this investigation which was warranted by the Special Court is still vague because of the secrecy order. They want to try and terrorise the anarchists by trying them using the Anti-Terror Laws (TMK), rather than trying them forthe economic sabotages in the 1st of May. It is told that there will be 3rd, 4th and 5th waves of the operations. It looks like the police will go on with their anarchist witch hunt. While the investigation file is still kept secret, it is eagerly anticipated what anarchists will be accused of and what surprises will born out the indictments.



1 Mayıs Tutsaklarına ÖZGÜRLÜK!

14 Mayıs sabaha karşı 05:00′te İstanbul, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Muğla, Şarköy ve İzmir’de aralarında hayvan özgürlükçülerin, ekolojistlerin de bulunduğu 45 kişi eş zamanlı operarasyonlarda gözaltına alındı. Gerekçe, 1 Mayıs’ta aralarında Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King’in de bulunduğu 28′e yakın banka ve çok uluslu kapitalist şirketin şubelerinin bazı anarşist eylemciler tarafından tahrip edilmesiydi.
Sabahın köründe evler basıldı, didik didik aranıp laptoplara, telefonlara ve çeşitli dergi ve dökümanlara el konuldu. Apar topar Vatan Emniyet Müdürlüğü’ndeki terörle mücadele ekiplerinin huzuruna sunuldular. 4 gün burada tutularak sorgulandılar, mahkemeye sevk edildiler ve tutuklandılar. 45 kişiden 20′si emniyetten serbest bırakılırken 25′i savcılığa sevk edildi. Bunların 15′i mahkemeye sevk edildi. 6′sı tutuksuz yargılanmak üzere serbest bırakılırken, 9′u da tutuklanarak Metris T Tipi Cezaevine gönderildiler.
28 Mayıs sabahı operasyonların ikinci dalgasında İstanbul, Eskişehir, Ankara ve Bursa’dan toplam 7 kişi gözaltına alınarak Vatan Emniyet Müdürlüğüne getirildi. 4 gün gözaltı süresince sorgulandıktan sonra, önce savcılığa sonra mahkemeye svk edildiler. 2′si serbest kalırken, 5′i Metris T Tipi Cezaevine gönderildi. Tutuklu sayısı 9′dan 14′e çıktı.
Polis ve savcılar, 1 Mayıs’ta yaşanan olayı sorgulamanın ötesine geçmiş ve anarşistleri terörist ilan etmenin peşine düşmüş durumda. Bu nedenle bazı şahısları sorgu odalarında çözmeye çalışmış ve çapraz sorgularda insanların direncini kırmaya çalışmıştı. Bu süreçte 3 kişi Baro’dan gönderilen polis adına çalışan bir avukat tarafından kandırılıp oyununa getirilerek muhbirliği kabul etmiş ve bazı insanların tutuklanmalarına neden olmuştu.
Polis sorgu odalarında saldırıları çeşitli anarşist, hayvan özgürlükçüsü veya ekolojist kurumlarla bağlantılandırmak için elinden geleni yapmaya çalışmış ve bu yönde yönlendirmeli sorular sorarak bu kurumları kriminalize etmeye çalışmıştı.
Özel yetkili mahkemenin görevlendirildiği bu soruşturmanın içeriği ve kapsamı dosyanın gizliliği kararından dolayı henüz belli değil. Anarşistler 1 Mayıs’ta yaşanan ekonomik sabotajlardan ziyade Terörle Mücadele Kanunu(TMK) kapsamında yargılanmak ve terörize edilmek isteniyor. Operaonların 3, 4, ve 5. dalgasının yaşanacağı söyleniyor. Polis anarşist cadı avını sürdürecek gibi görünüyor. Dosya halen gizliliğini korurken, anarşistlerin ne ile suçlanacaklarını, iddianamelerden ne süprizler çıkacağı halen merak konusu.

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Solidarität mit den hungerstreikenden Gefangenen


12 Anarchisten Gefangene  im Hungerstreik


Beyhan Çağrı Tuzcuoğlu

Burak Ercan

Emirhan Yavuz 

Hasan Savcı 

İshak Tayak 

Savaş Düzdaş 

Sinan Gümüş 

Oğuz Topal 

Murat Gümüşkaya 

Tayfun Kılıç 

Umut Çelik 

Yenal Yağcı


On 14th of May 2012, early in the morning at 05 am 45 people have been taken into custody including animal liberators, ecologists, by concurrently operations in Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Muğla, Şarköy and İzmir. The reason was on the 1st of May near 28 banks and multinational capitalist companies’ branches including Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King were damaged by some anarchist activists.


At an unearthly hour, houses were raided and turned upside down; laptops, phones and various magazines and documents were confiscated. They were quickly presented to the “anti terror” police teams at the Vatan Police Department in Istanbul. For four days they were questioned here, commited for trial and arrested. 20 people out of 45 were released from the police department, while 25 were sent to the prosecutor. 15 out of these 25 were sent to the court with the demand of arrest; 6 were released pending trial while 9 were arrested and sent to Metris T Type Prison in Istanbul.


In the second wave of police operations in the morning of 28th of May, seven people in total were taken to custody by the police and borught to Vatan Police Department from Istanbul, Eskişehir, Ankara and Bursa. After four days of interrogation in custody first they were sent to the prosecutor and then to the court. While two were released, five people were sent to Metris T Type Prison. The total number of people in prison has risen from 9 to 14.


The police and the prosecutors went beyond questioning the case in 1st of May and running for declaring the anarchists as “terrorists”. This is why some people were tried to be loosened in the interrogation rooms and the resistance of the people were tried to be broken by cross-examinations. In this process, three people were fooled by the lawyers who work for the police and were sent from the Bar; they were tricked and accepted being informants and they caused some people to be arrested.


The police tried to do whatever possible to link the attacks with some anarchist, animal liberator or ecologist organisations and they tried to criminalise these organisations by asking biassed questions.


The contents and the extent of this investigation which was warranted by the Special Court is still vague because of the secrecy order. They want to try and terrorise the anarchists by trying them using the Anti-Terror Laws (TMK), rather than trying them forthe economic sabotages in the 1st of May. It is told that there will be 3rd, 4th and 5th waves of the operations. It looks like the police will go on with their anarchist witch hunt. While the investigation file is still kept secret, it is eagerly anticipated what anarchists will be accused of and what surprises will born out the indictments.