Most impressive news item of the week – Central bankers, financial facts, bringing an end to the nuclear power era? NUCLEAR. A quiet week on the nuclear front turned busy, just at the end. The Federal government suddenly announced the site chosen as a national radioactive dump, at Barndioota, South Australia,- a nice little bonanza for property owner former SA Liberal Senator Grant Chapman. Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners did not share his joy, and will fight nuclear waste dump plan. Communities from the five other proposed radioactive waste sites are supporting the Flinders community campaign against the dump.
In the coming week, the South Australia Nuclear Fuel Chain Royal Commission will recommend making Australia the world’s nuclear waste dump. The whole Commission was a setup job from the beginning. #NuclearCommissionSAust sets up a pro nuclear Committee for Adelaide overseas junket. South Australia’s pro nuclear tourists picked a bad day to visit Finland.
Meanwhile South Australia is in a frenzy of delight that there will be a submarine business there, supplied by France at $5 billion, (presumable good election value at $10 billion per each of the 5 marginal Liberal seats). Only it’s very costly, and they mightn’t be built in S.A. at all. But hey – the design is for nuclear submarines !- not fuelled by nuclear at this stage.Maybe later.
CLIMATE Turnbull’s climate policy deceptions – cut climate funds, then announce new policies. Urgent need to end $7.7 Billion Fossil Fuel Subsidies. Australia needs action, not just Turnbull’s words, to save the Great Barrier Reef.
RENEWABLE ENERGY. Canberra at the forefront in the new renewable energy era. First-ever council solar farm for Queensland – on the Sunshine Coast. Export industry potential for Victorian solar energy project, backed by Australian Renewable Energy Agency.
The next nuclear disaster will probably be an intentional one.
Concern over influence on World Health Organisation by outside agencies, with financial support
UKRAINE. Ukraine’s nuclear industry remains a time bomb. The real menace of the Chernobyl nuclear situation. Mikhail Gorbachev: 30 years after Chernobyl, time to phase out nuclear power. Covering shattered Chernobyl nuclear reactor – a financial problem for Ukraine. Over 2 million people receiving benefits due to radiation effects of Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
At Chernobyl and Fukushima, radioactivity has seriously harmed wildlife. Thyroid cancer in Fukushima children: When the Language and Information Gaps Mislead. Indoor playgrounds help Fukushima families to deal with their very real fear of radiation.
JAPAN. Series of earthquakes is delaying Japan’s ‘nuclear revival’. Toshiba to lose 260 billion yen due to losses over Westinghouse nuclear power subsidiary. Fukushima plant’s new ice wall not watertight.
- A second double-shell tank leaking radiation at Hanford?
- Idaho in danger from nuclear waste, and must be protected.
- California State Senate demands removal of stored nuclear waste from San Onofre power plant.
- US Senate Efforts to do away with mandatory licensing hearings for so-called advanced nuclear reactors-small modular reactors. US Senate Bill 2795 on deregulation of the nuclear industry.
UK and FRANCE. So-called “charity” nuclear front, Alvin Weinberg Foundation, group lobbies UK government to fund small nuclear reactors. Westinghouse keen to fleece UK tax-payers with small modular nuclear reactors.
France’s government says decision on Hinkley nuclear plant is again delayed. European law means it is illegal for France’s government to fund EDF’s British Hinkley nuclear project. France’s tax-payers give €3bn to save debt-ridden nuclear corporation EDF.
GERMANY’s compromise plan to make power companies pay for nuclear waste disposal. Germany wrestles with the dilemma of disposing of dead nuclear reactors and their toxic wastes. Computer viruses have infected German nuclear power station.
BELGIUM Most of Belgium’s population to be given potassium iodide pills.
SWEDEN Vattenhall nuclear corporation in financial trouble, opposes nuclear risk premium, seeks to abolish Swedish tax.
CLIMATE. USA Republicans – half of them accept the science of climate change. Austria losing to climate change its most precious environmental resource – glaciers. Climate Feedback helps climate scientists to evaluate media stories.
RENEWABLE ENERGY A solar-powered flight across the Pacific – the Solar Impulse 2 arrives in California. USA Republicans now liking renewable energy – for financial, not climate, reasons. USA wind energy investment – over $128 billion. Denmark’s solar energy growth – way ahead of schedule.
Antinuclear Australia
Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners are devastated to hear the news
April 30, 2016, by Beyond Nuclear Initiative
Federal Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg has announced that Barndioota in the Flinders Ranges region of SA is the only site that will be further assessed to host the national radioactive waste facility. Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners are devastated to hear the news, with Elder Enice Marsh stating she is ‘shattered’ by the decision. Traditional Owner and neighbouring landholder Regina McKenzie said “”We don’t want a nuclear waste dump here on our country and worry that if the waste comes here it will harm our environment and muda (our lore, our creation).”
Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners near the proposed dump site, November 2015.
The Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association CEO Vince Coulthard said in a press release “This is our land, we have been here forever and we will always be here and we are totally opposed to this dump. ATLA is the main “key stakeholder” yet they have shown us no respect. This is in our sacred country with a very important spring just nearby. This is another example of cultural genocide. This cannot happen!”
Representatives from the other nominated communities have released a statement offering ongoing support to their friends near the Barndioota site, stating they “stand shoulder to shoulder” with the community and “will offer whatever support [they] can.” The affected communities have supported each other throughout the nomination process and undertook a joint lobbying trip to Canberra in February this year.
Keep up to date via the facebook page Fight the Nuclear Waste Dump South Australia.
Supporters are also encouraged to upload a photo to the FB page with a sign calling for ‘No Nuclear Dump in the Flinders Ranges’ (see example below of a resident of Quorn, a town near the proposed site).