Am Samstag den 06.Februar rief das
offene Antifaschistische Treffen Villingen-Schwenningen zu einer
Demonstration unter dem Motto gegen rassistischen Terror und
Hetze auf. Nachdem die örtlichen Nazis aus der Region um
Villingen-Schwenningen mehrfach für bundesweite Schlagzeilen
sollte die Demonstration ein Samstag ein Schritt raus aus der
Defensive sein. Neben der Festnahme von Ralph Kästner und der
in einem Flüchtlingsheim deponierten Handgranate gab es
von einer Woche zusätzlich noch eine spontane Kundgebung von
Faschisten in der Innenstadt sowie die „Nein zum Heim“
in Donaueschingen.
„Es ist Zeit das wir damit aufhören uns
von Naziaktivitäten treiben zulassen und selber die Initiative
ergreifen“ fasste Thomas Scharf vom Offenen Antifaschistischen
Treffen VS die Motivation der Demonstration zusammen.
Nach der
Auftaktkundgebung mit Redebeiträgen des Offenen
Treffens und von Heike Hänsel (MdB, Linkspartei) zog die
Demonstration in die Innenstadt.
Nach der Zwischenkundgebung auf dem Latschariplatz auf der eine Rednerin der Initiative für den 8.März aus Stuttgart die Instrumentalisierung von Frauenrechten durch Rechtspopulisten thematisierte und das OAT noch eine Rede verlaß zog die Demonstration weiter in Richtung der Bedarfsorientierte Erstaufnahmestelle (BEA).
Dort angekommen wurde nach zwei kurzen
Grußwörtern die Demonstration aufgelößt.
ziehen ein positives Fazit. Trotz der kurzen Mobilisierungszeit
dem wegen der Fasnacht eher ungünstigen Termin folgten
zeitweise bis zu 150 Menschen unserem Aufruf um ein Zeichen
rechte Hetze und rassistischen Terror zu setzen. Jetzt geht es
den Wahlkampf von Nazis und rechtspopulisten zu begleiten und zu
behindern!“ so Thomas Scharf.
Let Them Stay protests draw thousands across Australia
Protesters have gathered in cities across Australia to call on the government to allow a group of asylum seekers facing removal to Nauru to remain in Australia.
“Let them stay, let them stay,” a colourful bunch of thousands chanted in central Sydney on Monday evening, while in Melbourne a similarly large crowd packed the front of the state library waving signs like “Open the Borders”.
The Stand for Sanctuary rallies organised by GetUp were also held in Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Hobart, Canberra and regional centres across the country.
Second round of protests across Australia on Monday evening in support of 267 asylum seekers who are awaiting removal to Nauru
The protests come after the high court last Wednesday validated Australia’s offshore processing regime, which means 267 asylum seekers – including children – who are in the country for medical treatment could be sent to Nauru.
While the government has not made a decision to deport them, advocates have pleaded for sympathy and thousands have turned out at Monday night’s protests to voice their concerns.
At least 10 Anglican churches across the country, led by the Anglican Dean of Brisbane, Peter Catt, have offered sanctuary to the 267 people.
Actor Imogen Bailey implored the Sydney crowd to phone Turnbull’s office and leave a message. “Our message is ‘we want to let them stay’,” she said.
Those rallying in Melbourne joined in a mass chant as GetUp organiser Sally Rugg left a similar voicemail for the prime minister.
About 400 were expected at the Brisbane protest, which unlike the noisy Sydney and Melbourne events, took the form of a silent reflection at St John’s Cathedral in the city on Friday.
A record crowd marched through Darwin, with more than 300 people gathering along the Nightcliff foreshore.
“We can show mercy to these people, we can show compassion to them, we can do something vastly different from the terrible treatment they have experienced,” paediatrician Dr Josh Francis told the crowd.
Unlike the leaders of Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and the ACT and despite the public support, NT chief minister Adam Giles has not offered help resettling the 267 people, many of whom are housed in detention Darwin.
Francis has treated asylum seeker children at Royal Darwin hospital and said they were suffering “very real, ongoing trauma” during their continued detention.
“It doesn’t have to jeopardise the security of our borders. I think we have to come up with cleverer and kinder ways of making a difference in the world to the extent that we can, as a country, helping with what is a major refugee problem around the world,” he said.