[B] Permanent protest started in front of the House of the European Union against the increasing Dublin deportations


A protest against the degrading Dublin/deportation policy was taken to the streets in Berlin since yesterday. There will be an information and protest rally on Pariser Platz every day from 2 to 8 pm until the 28th April. We want to create a contactpoint for affected refugees and create a critical counter public to the matter.


The Dublin-rule is one of the most important instruments of control/power of the EU deterrence politics. People are being transported from county to country against their wills and are faced with racism, excluding and degrading life conditions. Because of its geographical position and its dominant political role, Germany is one of the biggest proponents and profiteers of the Dublin regulation at the same time.


The number of asylum seekers in Germany affected by the Dublin III regulation has been increasing during the past months. Many of them were already deported and thousands are in acute danger of being deported to Hungary, Italy or Poland. There refugees suffer humiliating conditions. This has been repeatedly documented and addressed by human rights organisations.








We call for solidarity with the protests against Dublin III in Berlin and other German cities. With the protest in front of the House of the European Union we want to offer a platform for networking and exchange and invite all interested persons to our info point.


Together we want to develop ideas in order to show to the German public that the Dublin regulations have to be abolished. Furthermore we call for a press conference on Thursday at noon – 12pm - in front of the House of the European Union.

contact: dublin3isillegal@gmx.de